“Do you read a lot about MS?” “ No”, I answered. “I just buy the books but never read them.” “What about mindfulness and multiple sclerosis?” Well, I haven’t yet written that!

But I’m living it. 17 years now- and surprised it hasn’t spontaneously healed. (My faith is that strong.) Still more to learn, I see: about gratitude, the suffering of others, balance, generosity, acceptance, gratitude (yeah, I said that already.)

Following the advice of a friend, my credo is to work out hard, love fully (strive for unconditionality), find the joy, make love enthusiastically and often, and live a creative life.

Some days (today!) I walk with equilibrium, capability, confidence. Some days I walk with a stick (olive wood that a friend found floating in a river in Greece!) A boy at the Dutchess County fair said “Nice staff” just yesterday. Where is the break in connection? Right ankle, knee, hip? My whole right side is compromised. Though right is my dominant side, I now eat, cut vegetables and with scissors, and even write with my left hand. My signature looks equally messy with either- thankfully, I go to a small neighborhood bank.

Like the plants growing in our garden, weather definitely has a great deal to do with it. Hot is hard. Humidity is trying. Cool is a breath of fresh air! Me and the lettuces.

I do wish my energy level for day-to-day tasks was higher. I also hope that we all learn not to take any ability for granted. I do wish I could spin my 3 ½ year old around at music class. But I’m glad for his strong little child hand in mine to steady me, and his contagious joy in all things experienced through his child self!

Mobility has only been an issue for me these past 4 years. Before then, exacerbations came with frequency: fatigue, itchy and numb skin; loss of hearing; optic neuritis- and fully behind the veil of sight, double optic neuritis; facial palsy; temperature regulation difficulty; pain… And thankfully, these symptoms passed within eight weeks. I am being followed by a Moonshadow.

I’ve been taking Low Dose Naltraxone (LDN) as a disease modifier, and though the MRI does not show more plaque on the brain, or disease development, perhaps there has been progression? But I believe that right living can only be an asset to me, and I will stay the path of healing!

I just tell myself that I have body memory of how to walk with strength and balance, and I try to tap into that. And now to the garden to be under the open sky and pick and eat ripe cherry tomatoes!