To What End

I’m using voice text  and a bit of writing  typing really .  But hard on my fingers with dexterity  and seeing as this blog deals with the MS, it’s what I got to do.

The pain in my way. Funny I said the pain in my life. The pain in my right shoulder, at that was laying down my arm and up my neck and jaw period I can let it sour me, or I can let it strengthen me! Complain sometimes, even cry sometimes, and cope all the time.  Again, as in previous blog posts, the pain is shocking! It comes on suddenly, and often dissipates shortly. Mostly in my right shoulder, but also right side of head, neck, raying down my arm. My right foot is dragging. Right knee won’t lift up when I walk. My balance is compromised at best. The challenges of having MS, 20 years in! That is most of my adult life (I was diagnosed at 26).

One thing I’ve enjoyed most of my adult life, is smoking marijuana. How ironic, (but also, how lucky) that this is now a very important medicine for me. I am an advocate for whole plant use, and now I vape medicinally, instead of smoke recreationally. It dulls the pain I’m experiencing and is unparalleled in helping my leg stiffness and muscle spasticity.

My walking has gotten so trying, my legs are so weak. To climb into bed, or to get in the passenger side of the car, I have to loop my right arm around my leg to lift it up! If I descend to the floor, there is a good chance my legs will not be able to bare the weight of my whole body. And though I do still walk short distances, I have purchased a mobility scooter, which is giving me my freedom back! Now I can ride my electric scooter up the long driveway to the school bus stop, I can go up to my garden, which my housemate is generously caring for. And it has my Birdie Sanders sticker on the back of the battery, making me happy! My new wheels are stylin!

But back to where the connection isn’t having a clear course due to the MS. Walking is a struggle period balance is really off period right hand dexterity is off the table. Even Vision in my right eye is compromised. So a friend suggested I do three courses of action short-term which is immediate comma medium term which is the near future comma and long-term which is where I hope to down the road.

Short-term, solumdrol steroids. I had been a reluctant taker of steroids 3 years ago which was the first time in my now 20 years with multiple sclerosis that I decided to go that route. And then I did it intravenously period this time, I did it orally. The course is over now, as my body could not take it intestinal e. So only 3 days did I do this, but still hoping for any positive effects that may come from shocking my system so extremely.

My medium-term goal is a medication known by okra OCR Al. It is new the on the market, new the FDA approved for MS period and I’m hearing hopeful things about this medication. So this I will be starting in the near future.

And long-term, is my long hoped for yearned for prayed for stem cell trial period acceptance into the Tisch medical trial about stem cells. I will post a link. Dr. Sylvester is my doctor, and his office is conducting this study . That was not a coincidence 🙂

So this is life and this is right now I can barely get out of bed right now comma I just have to lie under the ceiling fan and hang out on my back porch. I’ll come back to edit later. Thanks for reading


One Response to “To What End”

  1. wolfpak Says:

    Here is the link to my GoFundMe campaign:

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